Steve Jobs kommunikationsstrategi

Steve Holtz på bloggen “a shell of my former self” ifrågasätter Steve Jobs kommunikationsstrategi när han aktivt kommunicerar att iPod inte ska uttrustas med videofunktion fram tills… Apple lanserar – iPod med video.

Två citat från Jobs innan lanseringen:
”We don’t think people have a burning desire to watch video on tiny little screens.”

”[…]We have to stay focused on the fact that people are buying these devices to listen to music. People love music. They love listening to music as a background activity . . . when they’re exercising, when they are commuting and when they are just hanging out, and music is a wonderful thing because: A, it’s music; and B, because it can be listened to as a background activity. And a lot of these other things that people are talking about building in such as video and things like that are foreground activities. You can’t drive a car when you’re watching a movie. You know? It’s really hard doing that.”

Holtz kritik kan helt klart vara befogad. Kommer Jobs/Apples trovärdighet att skadas om man säger en sak och sedan gör tvärtom? Gentemot konkurrenterna kan det vara ett smart drag, men hur glada blir konsumenterna?


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